Wednesday, 28 May 2014

Swings and roundabouts

It's been an interesting few months. I have a rejection letter from one publisher and a couple of "we will take a few months to read your manuscript" letters. I also did not win the writing residency scholarship. After additionally not being successful in applying for my work role, I started to sense something in the air. That something is 'change'.

A couple of weeks ago, I spoke at a survivorship conference in Nelson. They have published my Survivorship Passport (downloadable at the bottom of the NRBCT website). I have received a lot of positive feedback about the Passport and it is lovely to see the truth that once something is published, it has a life of its own.

I have not written much over the last couple of months. With all the changes, my writing went on holiday or some type of hiatus. I am starting to feel like writing again and am going to do Serena Star Leonard's Blog to Book course in June. Exciting times.

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